MavrovFit - Your Online Coaches & Personal Trainers in Sofia, who will help you burn the fat, improve your health and achieve your TOP PHYSIQUE!
We offer you comprehensive fitness coaching with an individual trainer. You will have a Mentor all the way and we will support you with your weight loss and body transformation. We will help you with training, nutrition, habit implementation and mindset in order to achieve your fitness goals, feel good about your body and have more energy and self-confidence!
10 years of experience with clients and gained knowledge from fitness certifications and mentorship programs worth well above 10,000 Euro, throughout the years.
Setting goals, building a plan and trusting each other through the process of changing yourself into a better version.
Weekly check-ins and feedback from your coach on performance, acquisition of new habits and built knowledge about nutrition and training.
Guaranteed results for everyone, who's ready to improve theirselves - learn, be flexible with workouts and food and build discipline in the process.
Boyan Mavrov
Founder and Head Coach
My name is Boyan Mavrov and I am dedicated to helping people get in shape, keep it long-term and live a more fulfilling life.
My Story
I was a fat child and suffered a lot of teasing. 15 years ago I discovered my passion for training and an active lifestyle. I lost weight, got in shape and immediately felt that this was “my thing” – to help. I promised myself that I would help other people feel good in their body by transforming it. I became a professional and certified fitness instructor and started doing what I love! Of course, change is both external and internal. I think it is the lack of change in mindset and habits that prevents most people from achieving success. That's why me and my team are dedicated to helping others become the best version of themselves - both physically and mentally!
We help busy people just like you.
See what our clients say for us:
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.
What we're good at:
No man has the right to be an amateur in terms of physical strength. What a shame it is for a man to never see all the strength and beauty his body is capable of.
- Socrates
Our Free Resources For You:
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.
Latest Articles (In Bulgarian)
Метаболитен синдром: Убиецът на 21-ви век!
Така нареченият метаболитен синдром е една често пренебрегвана заплаха, която има и лошата слава на най-големия убиец на 21-ви век. Това е състояние, характеризиращо се с набор от взаимосвързани рискови фактори. То може да бъде измамно, защото не се случва изведнъж, а постепенно и неусетно. Последиците могат да са фатални.
Най-страшното е, че няма лекарства, които да излекуват синдрома нацяло. Това обаче не означава, че не може да се направи нищо, за да го избегнем. Но за да стигнем до решението, нека първо се запознаем по-добре с проблема метаболитен синдром и до какво води той.
Изчисти мазнините, без да губиш мускулна маса!
Складирането на мазнини има същата функция. Когато с храната си набавим повече енергия от необходимото, тялото я складира под формата на мазнини. То не знае, че след няколко часа отново ще стане време за ядене. Ролята на мазнините е по-важна за тялото, отколкото тази на мускулите. Затова то винаги ще се опитва да съхрани първо тях, ако не вижда причина да запази мускулите. Ето и няколко съвета какво да направите, за да приоритизирате запазването им.
We help busy people just like you.
See what our clients say for us:
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