Personal Trainings and Online Coaching
Online Coaching
What is online coaching?
Online coaching or online training is a new and exciting way to offer life-changing transformation and fitness coaching to our trainees. It can be used by anyone, anywhere, providing convenience, flexibility and affordability. So we can give our clients the privilege of more accountability and support from us even for people who can't do personal trainings with us.
Thanks to the Internet and mobile communication, we at MavrovFit are in constant contact with our clients, even those who are thousands of kilometers away (eg Canada and the United Kingdom).
Благодарение на интернет и мобилната комуникация, ние от MavrovFit имаме постоянна връзка с нашите клиенти, дори и с тези, които са на хиляди километри (напр. Канада и Обединеното Кралство).
The best part? Your program is YOURS! You are no longer limited by the rules of a certain gym, its workload or financial commitment. That way we can give you exactly what you want, when you want it, where you want it!
Leave the word "workout" aside. We'll be your guide – giving you what you need, when you need it, no matter how your goals change over time.
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.
Ready for a change?
Do you want to feel good in your body? Do you want to learn how to train and eat to keep the results? Do you want to finally achieve the shape you want? Trust us and we will be your guiding light in the darkness of delusions, restrictive diets, unproductive workouts and bad habits.
Ready to take the important first step?
Here's what we offer:
Nutritional Education
Защо да даваме риба на гладния, когато можем да го научим как да си я лови сам? Не вярваме в ригидните хранителни режими, а те учим как да се храните.
Individual Workout Program
Съобразена изцяло с поставените цели и особености като липса на мобилност, контузии, здравословни проблеми като хернии и дори дължина на ставите.
Weekly Feedback
30-минутен седмичен разговор, в който коментираме изминалата седмица и планираме предстоящата.
Access to a closed group
В нея те обграждаме с правилния социален кръг, споделяме опит, полезна информация и правим редовни обучения. Имаш достъп до над 30 часа видео обучения.
Безплатни ръководства
Получаваш цели три безплатни ръководства за работа с MyFitnessPal, за обогатяване на хранителната култура и трето - за перфектен сън.
Зоркото око на кинезитерапевт
При проблеми с болки при определени движения или схваната мускулатура, може да запишеш час при Жана, която гарантирано ще ти помогне!
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.
Who is our fitness coaching for?
Помагаме на заети професионалисти да постигнат желаните резултати – от по-естетично тяло и мускулесто тяло до повече енергия, възможност да сложат онази стара рокля, която не са обличали от години или да свалят качените килограми по време на бременност, за да се чувстват добре в тялото си.
Част от нашите заети професионалисти са мъже и жени в корпоративния свят, които заемат високи позиции, работят дълги часове и нямат време да тренират по 2 часа всеки ден. Други пък са заети майки, които отглеждат дете (почти 24-часова работа без почивка) и са решили да се погрижат и за себе си. Както ще прочетеш по-надолу, работим с хора, които са ангажирани и нямат времето да правят безкрайно дълго тренировки, да са нон-стоп в кухнята или да се откажат от живота си, само за да влязат във форма. Това са сериозни хора, които търсят максимално ефективен и ефикасен начин откъм усилия и време, чрез който да постигнат своята цел.
Ето как им помагаме:
Нашият уникален метод на работа:
Here's how we're going to help you achieve your dream body - fit, stronger, energetic and healthier:
The goal of our program is to teach you how to train, eat, and fit fitness into your lifestyle. Unlike most trainers who just give you guidelines to follow, we teach you. We explain why we do each thing and the science behind it. It is important for us that you learn on your own, so that when you leave our program, we can rest assured that you can do without our help. We believe that long-term change is only possible in this way. Instead of selling you fish (training and diet), we teach you how to fish for yourself - the knowledge and skills to get in shape and keep it for life (long after you're no longer in our program).
In the second step, we adapt what we have already learned to your lifestyle. The general principles you've learned apply to all people, but now it's time to adapt the rest of things to your daily life. If you have limited training time, then we will optimize it so that you manage to do it in the time range you have.
The same applies to nutrition - we will adapt the preparation of food so that you save as much time as possible, and in our closed group you will find many "fit" recipes to use - protein pie, brownies, muffins, pancakes and many more things that you can eat it, we even insist you try it. Adaptation also applies to the factors of your lifestyle - general activity, sleep, coping with stress and others. Together we adapt and change things on the fly so you get the most out of our program. That is why we have our weekly conversations, in which we discuss the problems and draw up a plan if necessary.
The last part of our method is the application. When you join us, you'll understand that we value accountability and personal responsibility, because they are really important. Generally, we humans are not responsible enough to ourselves, but when we have to be responsible to a professional, things are completely different. We will monitor and ensure your good implementation and application of the plan we have built together.
We know you can't be perfect 100% of the time, but anything above 85% gives us reliable results. The weekly talks are about discussing problems, but also about responsibility. Did he do all the workouts for the week, did he stick to the nutrition and new habits we set for ourselves? Were you able to improvise in the unexpected situations, just like we taught you? In this way, by developing in you a sense of personal responsibility, you will be able to apply everything from the first 2 steps - what you learned and adapted to your everyday life. This way, when you leave our coaching, we will know that you already have the necessary habits and skills to manage without our help.
What sets us apart from other personal trainers in Sofia?
I believe this is the most important factor when working with people you want to help. To get to the heart of the problem and the emotion behind it. People do NOT want to "just lose weight". They want to get in shape to feel good about themselves, to fit into that old dress that's been sitting in the closet for years or to take off their t-shirt at the beach without feeling ashamed. Yes, actually the reasons behind getting in shape are many and varied, but achieving a more aesthetic body itself is not the reason. It is always somewhere else - deeper. Like having energy and improving their health after being told by a doctor that they have diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The desire not to deliberately avoid the mirror, but to look at themselves in it and smile. Seemingly small things, but of great importance to people.
Most trainers can give you an effective training program and diet, that is, ones that will work for you, according to the goal you set for yourself. However, a small number of trainers make them Efficient - that is, to save you effort and time. A training program that takes 2 hours at the gym and you have to go 5 days a week may be effective, but it is not efficient. It requires too much effort and time.
It's the same with nutrition - a strict /rigid/ food regime with fixed foods for every single meal /chicken with rice and broccoli for lunch/ can give results, but only at first. It's not efficient because it's too hard to stick to such a regimen, and after all, who wants to give up their favorite sweet foods? That's why in our coaching, all trainees eat sweets until they achieve the desired shape.
Overall, our coaching program is designed to be as effective for your goal, as well as an efficient one - to save you maximum effort and above all - time. We work with busy professionals– people who can't allow 15 hours a week for training and cardio because they don't have that time.And it is NOT necessary. Instead, our coaching program is efficient to save you time. Time to spend with loved ones and in your favorite activities. Why do unnecessarily long workouts in the gym, when you can spend this precious time with your child, take it for a romantic evening with your partner or keep it FOR YOU - read a book, meditate or just take a break from your busy everyday life? We have thought of you, so even while you are in our program you will have time for all these things.
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.
Защо да избереш нас?
Имаме опит със стотици клиенти. Държим на личното отношение и помагаме да влезеш във форма, без това да ти коства лутане в тъмното или времето за социални контакти с важните за теб хора. Ще бъдем неотлъчно с теб по пътя, независимо от трудностите (дори и тези от личен план, защото те имат значение). Ще даваме насоки как да станеш по-добра версия на себе си. На последно място, след постигане на целта ти, ще имаш знанията, уменията и навиците да продължиш и без нашата помощ.
Какво се изисква от теб?
- Accountability
- Дисциплина
- Истинско желание за промяна
Below you can sign up for a preliminary conversation with us, in which we will discuss in detail your problems and the goals you have set for yourself. In the course of the conversation, we will assess whether we can be of service to you and whether we will start working together for your better self.
Какво получаваш?
Накратко: Всичко, което ще ти помогне да постигнеш целите си и след коучинга да продължиш без наша помощ.
Коучинг програмата е насочена към цялостна промяна – на хранителните навици, начина на живот, съня и тренировките. По този начин гарантираме максимално добри резултати, които ще може да задържиш успешно, защото вече ще си друг човек – по-добри версия на себе си. Ето само част от нещата, които получаваш:
- Индивидуална тренировъчна програма.
- Знания за храненето и тренировките.
- Файл в Google Sheets за храненето и тренировките.
- Седмични видео/аудио разговори.
- Обратна връзка за изпълнението на упражненията.
- Достъп до затворена група във "Фейсбук".
- Редовни видео обучения в затворената група.
- Цели 3 ръководства безплатно.
- Достъп до над 30 часа видео обучения.
- Преференциални цени за нашия кинезитерапевт.
- Отстъпка за клиенти: -50% от книгите на Боян Мавров.
We help busy people just like you.
See what our clients say for us:
He gives advice not only on the fitness program, but also on improving the quality of life. With him, I am extremely motivated to achieve my goals!"
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.
Personal Trainings
Какво се изисква от теб?
- Accountability
- Trust
- Истинско желание за промяна
Какво получаваш?
Пълна подкрепа от страна на фитнес инстурктор за заучаване на правилното изпълнение на упражненията и адаптиране към натоварването от силовите тренировки.
По време на тренировките ще имаш възможност да се запознаеш и с други трениращи, като целим да създадем една голяма общност от хора, които си помагат.
- Индивидуална тренировъчна програма.
- Допълнителни знания за храненето и тренировките.
- Файл в Google Sheets за храненето и тренировките.
- Обратна връзка за изпълнението на упражненията.
- Достъп до затворена група във "Фейсбук".
- Редовни видео обучения в затворената група.
- Цели 3 ръководства безплатно.
- Преференциални цени за нашия кинезитерапевт.
- Достъп до над 30 часа видео обучения.
- Двете книги на Боян Мавров безплатно.
*Желаещите за физически тренировки следва да имат предвид, че местата са крайно ограничени и варират според периодите на натовареност. Възможно е да няма свободни места за физически тренировки с фитнес инструктор.
Where to find us?
Below you can sign up for a preliminary conversation with us, in which we will discuss in detail your problems and the goals you have set for yourself. In the course of the conversation, we will assess whether we can be of service to you and whether we will start working together for your better self.
What the workouts with us look like?
Want to achieve your most fit physique?
Burn the fat forever and keep the results long-term. Build with our help the body you want and the habits you need to keep it for a lifetime. Let us help you transform your body and quality of life.